I was going to make another Heidi today, but as we head into winter next week, I fancied making something I can wear in the next two or three months!
I found some wool interlock (I think) in the stash, and used Simplicity 4429. I wanted more of a cap sleeve, so I added a few centimetres at the shoulders, and added a little depth to the underarm.
It really, really needs to be belted though. It's basically a slim sack. Not pretty. But pretty with a belt, yay! I love this frock!
It is a great background for brooches. I've been going a bit mad for vintage brooches on ebay
lately; in fact I bought two just last night, inspired by Tom and Lorenzo's Joan Holloway post. If you haven't yet discovered their Mad Style posts, you are in for a treat.
Ah, I love a win in the frock department! I think you need to buy lots more brooches...
I am SO excited that you made this dress! I bought that pattern years ago with the goal of it being a TNT pattern. However, after tissue-fitting the pattern I was scared to make it because the armholes looked impossibly tiny. You can see my post about it here. It looks fabulous on you so maybe I'll try again. By the way, I see you increase the armholes so did you think it was strangely tiny too?
lsaspacey, the armholes are indeed teeny! I added about an inch to each underarm depth. If I hadn't been using a stretchy knit, I probably wouldn't have dared to make it!
I also cut the back on the fold, taking out the seam allowance because I wasn't using a zip, and made the back neckline a scoop shape instead of a V.
Give it a try, but I recommend using a knit!
Very cute.
Hehehe, the picture with the belt buckle at the back looks like you have your head on backwards.
Ooooh, and the Capcha word for this comment is 'calica' - you've event got a sewing-themed anti-spam device? Clever!
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