Since I was frankensteining two different patterns, I thought I should muslin in some cheaper fabric. I don't usually do muslins, but I knew this would be a wearable one if it turned out. This was also a good chance to do more coverstitch practice. I did about 1/3 of the stitching on the sewing machine for the Rosie Scribble (the muslin), much less on Newt (I call her that because she is mostly sewn on the Overlocker... mostly.*)
I frankensteined Simplicity 2364 view b with the lower dress from an a-line knit dress pattern that has mysteriously disappeared (note to self: clean cutting table). Aha, found the pattern I used for the dress part - Simplicity 4697
This time I actually traced everything off onto interfacing rather than just pinning it all in situ on the fabric - yay for repeatable experiments!
Wearable muslin for the win! I think I'll wear her to work tomorrow.
So... heeeere's Newt my for real scribbly contender. I lengthened it about 4" (yeah, I know, but I seem to sew half in metric and half in imperial!). She will also be worn in the coming week.
* points if you got the Aliens reference