Sunday, January 18, 2009

What I did on my holidays

Painted the house:

That white used to get awful grubby. The grey is nice and bluestoney, and matches the back of the house. Now I need to think about veranda fixes.

I also made a new frock, inspired by one I saw when shopping with Kitty and S. over the xmas break:

It's good old doubleknit for the bottom portion, and a cute shamrock and yellow blob print on black knit from It Inc up top.

The pattern is frankensteined from McCall 5700 (I choose to ignore the fact that it is a Hillary Duff pattern, but have to admit there are a couple o'cute frocks in her line) with the top half of the Butterick 4985 blouse on top. They went together like they were made for each other.

I also painted the garden setting. I have a couple of days of holidays left, maybe I will get around to that wallpapering, or unpacking more of those boxes that have been sitting around for the past year, or sort out my wardrobe, or make another frock...


kitty said...

Love it! I have sewing ennui at the moment, I am tracing patterns and then not getting any further. Maybe next weekend...

delamare said...

Hey - don't knock the Duffster! At least it's not a Miley Cyrus pattern (If they do indeed exist).

BTW, I really love the front of the house, and am looking forward to seeing it with a refreshed verandah treatment.

Claudine said...

Wow, you had a productive holiday! The house looks fabulous, and the dress is great. I am, fortunately, too old to know who Hillary Duff is, so I can appreciate her patterns on their own merits.

Manecoarse said...

Hi. I just nominated you for the Kreative Award.