This is a modified New Look 6699, made from Michael Miller's Honolulu fabric. I bought the fabric almost exactly 2 years ago when I was going through a 50s sarong dress obsession. I love the black velvet painting look of this fabric, so exotic!
I made the view D bodice, but rounded off the top of the bodice pieces and didn't put on the centre-cinching loop, not because I didn't like it, but with the Hawaiian print fabric it looked a little too swimsuity. I widened the straps to 'fettucini' rather than 'spaghetti' for better bra strap coverage. I didn't use the skirt pattern, I just bunged on my usual straight skirt pattern. From tracing and modifying the pattern pieces to finishing the frock took me 3 hours, tops! Love the New Look sunfrock patterns. They're so easy and well drafted, for me anyway.
( Moggy, we missed our blog-iversary! I wanna frock and roll all night was 2 years old on the 8th November! The 2 year gift is traditionally fabric. The 3rd year is patterns. Then the 4th is haberdashery. 5th is fabric again. 6th is patterns again. And so on...)
Oh, she's heavenly! I will have to crack out this pattern, which has been basting in the pattern drawer.
How callous of me to be away for our blogaversary! I shall make a frock this weekend as penance. And 'cos I want to.
What a pretty little thing is Lulu.
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