One of the perks, for me, of being invited into Moggy's sewing studio is raiding her stash of vintage patterns, and making off with some patterns in my size.
Here are the latest ones to find their way back to Sydney with me:

I am slightly obsessed with that green frock with pockets on the far left in the top pattern, and might muslin it in black this weekend.
Oh, and I found pictures of the other three patterns I bought from Out of the Ashes:

Loving the red and blue frocks in the first one, the collar tie on the middle frock, and the sleeveless blouse in the last pattern.
Glad they went to an appreciative home - I think those ones have been lurking in my stash for more years than I can remember (and I was never a 32... I musta known they would come in handy some day!)
I love that green one too!
*whimper* Do you know the pattern numbers for the pocketed green frock and the tied-collar dress? Must...have...adorable...patterns!
I love them all, I can't wait to see the finished projects.
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