Sunday, August 12, 2007

Out out damn spot!

I do love spots. They make me happy, and doing a quick wardrobe audit apparently they are second only to leopard in the pattern stakes (followed by skulls). Anyway, here is the Anne Adams mail order pattern and matching bolero. It's reversible you know.


kitty said...

Sweeet! Whoever made you buy that Anne Adams pattern should be nominated for Australian of the Year, given a year's supply of mint slices and have a national public holiday declared in her honour.
If only we knew who this modest, retiring heroine is...

The bolero is such a good shape!

moggy said...

If only I knew! Why, I would invite the said heroine for a weeks R'n'S (rest & sewing) in my soon to be beautifully appointed sewing studio, or at the very least I would go sofa shopping with her.


livebird said...

Magnifique, Ms Moggy! You are the High Priestess of Polka. I was just thinking of emailing you to see if you had a bolero recommendation!! I thought I might have a pattern-free bash at it first. Ooooh, getting rather big for my boots, aren't I!

Anyway, splendid work. I love seeing the frocks you and Ms Kitty whip up. Clearly the sewing room is BACK IN ACTION.