I found some sweet free designs on the net - the swallow from Skully on SewForum.com, and the raygun from Henry's Home Page - he's one productive chap!
I bought some felt the other day, as it is meant to be good for test stitching designs.
They turned out well, so I made a cozy for the iPod out of them:

I think Mr Touchy McTouch will feel happy in there, it is lined with silk satin - luxurious!
Love the juxtaposition of the sweet birdie with the violent space weapon. Mr touchy will be snug and safe in there!
The Curmudgeon is enamoured of the raygun. He coyly asks if something of his might be embellished with them. Like a shirt. At some stage. Preferably, right now.
Livebird, I'm still hazy on placement on made goods, but if a piece of fabric to be made into a shirt-like objet was to land in my sewing area, well....
OHMGOSH .. I am always stoked when i see my designs being used!( i google when i am bored)
Looks great!!!
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