Thursday, June 14, 2007

why no shipping?

Sigh, a couple of perfect housedress patterns. What a pity she won't ship to Australia. I shall now commence to obsess about finding the perfect housedress pattern. Truly truly a house frock is THE most comfortable and practical garment for a hot summer day - I might even try to add pockets - inspiration from Erin, bless her.


kitty said...

Strange how the other seller with the same pattern in my size ALSO doesn't ship to Australia. Boo hoo. Maybe some of our new visitors will enlighten us as to any obstacles we may not be aware of.

kitty said...

I am commenting again under my new identity to see what happens! Will my photo appear, or shall I remain forever mysterious?

kitty said...

Well, yeeeeehaaaah

scarabee said...

My understanding is that some people don't want to deal with extra costs associated with international shipping, or just don't want to calculate the difference.

Also, unlike Australia, some countries are infrequently exposed to the existance of other countries (like Australia), and so lean towards disbelief...

(I'm an expat, so currently have the best and worst of both worlds)