I love slips. Nothing nicer than a petticoat under a frock I think. And it seems to be one of those things that no matter how many I make, I never have enough.
Rathdowne Remnants is having a 30% off sale, so I went to look (thanks to Livebird for the giant rick rack alert, although I seem to have escaped without any now I think about it...). I rifled through the remants and found this lovely silk satin - which, of course, makes the most delicious slips, nighties, half slips, camisoles, etc etc.
The dark red stuff is 3m long so I was contemplating outer wear for it, but I'd get much more wear from the underwear. The eau de nil and grey-blue should look nicely vintage when paired with some lace (cue another visit to the lovely vietnamese lady in Smith St) and should also be good to wear under lighter coloured things. I'd usually go for black lace, but I will see what else there is for something a bit different. I might use the dark red for the slip pattern that Kitty
obtained for me earlier.
Oh, and I accidently bought this pattern on eBay last night as well, when Kitty and I were doing some VSAM (Virtual Shopping After Midnight) and looking at sewing machine feet that make attaching bias binding easier (and what person in their right mind wouldn't want that?). Oh, and there was that piping foot too...

I'm thinking she's a good prospect for the
building blocks tape measure fabric I bought a while ago. I'm still about the chevrons.